High Intensity Interval Training Works

A report in the Los Angeles Times mentioned that participants in higher intensity, shorter duration workouts are losing weight faster.

I have been telling this to my clients for over 8 years.

The best example is to look at the bodies of sprinters and marathon runners.  Yes, there may be some genetic differences, but let's get past that for now.

Sprinters do sprint work, and anaerobic training.  That's it...no long distance 40 min treadmill sessions that are supposed  to help you burn fat.  They are the most shredded athletes around!

In comparison...look at long distance runners.  Wasted muscles, and often flabby.  Not my idea of the best bang for your buck.  Follow the sprinters if you want to lose fat, fast. 

I've tried over years and years to convince clients of this, and maybe now that the media is finally realizing this, people will get rid of the idea that long distance, and may I mention boring, training is necessary to lose fat.