October 30, 2021 Newsletter

Quite a busy month.

I started the month by spending about a week in Colombia, attending the MovNat Level 1 Trainer Certification.

I've been interested in MovNat since it came out many years ago, but I've felt a more profound need to retrain my connection with nature and natural exercise movement for the past six months or so. I'm so grateful that I went.

I was ready for my adventure, a six-hour flight to Panama and a ninety-minute flight to Medellin. At the airport, I was welcomed warmly by my instructor Johnathon Lang, https://www.instagram.com/thereconjohn/. Johnathon is a one-of-a-kind type of guy. Iraq War Veteran, world explorer, an excellent coach, and best of all, he has a deep sincerity in helping others. I am deeply grateful for his instruction and his time listening and sharing.

The Level 1 experience was a "retraining" of sorts. Imagine slowing way down and paying attention to your breath and your movements. We learned to breathe deeply and move with thought and intention.

It was a great reminder to master the basics before skipping to more advanced exercises.

There's a lot to share, which I will implement when I see you in person.

I'm deeply grateful to the other participants who took the certification with me. The three Colombians warmly welcomed me into their homes. Each one shared their hearts and encouragement with me over my days there.

San Rafael, Colombia

Darien, who grew up and lives in the San Rafael area of Colombia, is a nature guide, and his family owns a "glamping" nature reserve, Taibara Refugio Natural https://www.instagram.com/taibara_refugio_natural/. He shared his wisdom and appreciation for the rainforest. Deep dude.

Johanna, https://www.instagram.com/hollygomez0/ inspired us with her graceful, cat-like movements, all while taking care of her one-year-old baby.

Nati, friendly, genuine, and strong, was a great person to share and learn with. She provided the Spanish to English translation too. Thanks, my friend.

Special thanks to Lorena and Mano, who run the Zafra Reserva Natural, https://www.reservazafra.com. Beautiful hosts who prepared our spa-like meals with love.

To sum up, I think the biggest lesson that came from my trip was a "scrubbing away" of the nonsense in my life. I came back with a renewed focus on what is really important in life.

November Schedule

Some of you know that my daughter's baby is due next month. So this means that I may shoot up to Washington at a moment's notice. I'll let you know.

Other than that, we'll take off Thanksgiving and the day after (25th and 26th)

The Monday, Wednesday, Friday Camps will have 12 classes, and the cost is $165.

The Tuesday/Thursday Camps will have eight classes, and the cost is $135.

Class times are 5:45 AM - 6:30 AM or 6:00 PM - 6:45 PM.

If you haven't already, current boot camp clients, let me know if you'll be continuing in this November Camp.

Contact me if you have any questions,
