3 Simple and no-cost tips to bring more energy into your day.

Indoor walking and learning for my personal trainer recertification.

3 Simple and no-cost tips to bring more energy into your day.

(my workweek routine):

1. Set a timer for a rejuvenating break. I set a timer on my phone so that at the end of each hour, I have 10 minutes free to get up and move around. When you know that your day is particularly busy and you might not get in 30 minutes of consistent exercise, you can definitely get in a few of these 10-minute segments.

2. Ideally, I like to get outside, interact with my backyard chickens, and connect with nature.

3. Have some simple bodyweight exercises that you can do right by your desk. Think squats, lunges, and push-ups. I have some wooden blocks right by my desk so I can do push-ups.

*Bonus tip: Drink water at each break to boost your hydration and well-being.

Lastly, don't overthink this. Just get moving and be consistent.

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