He identified what he really wanted and ordered his life around that.

From "The Art of Non-Conformity"...

..."Murakami focused on what he would gain instead of what he would lose.  He identified what he really wanted and ordered his life around that."

..."it's all about embracing life to the fullest and ordering your life around a few key priorities.  To make that happen, you'll need to look carefully at all of your current obligations to determine which ones are actually necessary and which can be eliminated."

No Time is No Excuse

From Rework, by Jason Fried and David Heinemeier Hansson

"When you want something bad enough, you make the time-regardless of your other obligations.  The truth is most people just don't want it bad enough.  Then they protect their ego with the excuse of time.

Don't let yourself off the hook with excuses.  It's entirely your responsibility to make your dreams come true."

What is Your "Stop Doing" Strategy?

In Pursuit of Elegance: Why the Best Ideas Have Something Missing by Matthew E. May and Guy Kawasaki

In training as in my own life, I am always looking for ways to simplify things.  I notice that many people seem to be caught up in the next thing, or the next miracle diet/program/gimmick.

I'm going to challenge you right now to consider that you "stop doing", rather than adding stuff to your life.

In reading Matthew May's book, "In Pursuit of Elegance", he mentions Lance Armstrong's trainer Chris Carmichael's "stop doing strategy".  Carmichael discovered that "the extra time on the bike wasn't needed or helpful and just led to fatigue and longer recovery periods - it was just plain waste."

May also mentions..."Doing more and pushing harder than actually necessary can impede and even reverse progress by introducing overload, inconsistency, and waste."

I see this with my some of my one on one clients, and some of my boot camp clients.  There is a sense that "more is better".  In very few instances is more better.  I try to stress that eating/nutrition, rest and recovery and training are all important and that by just increasing the training will not make up for eating lousy or not getting the proper rest and sleep.

So what can you stop doing?  Is is to stop eating junk food?  Is it to stop watching so much TV?  Is it ot stop making excuses why you can't do something?

Stop doing something today.  Clear out something that is stopping you from reaching your goals.

Post it in the comments for all of us to see.

Rebel Against Fast Food And Fast Life

Photo by: ichiro kishimiI just read this over at Leo Babauta's Zen Habits.

"Our hectic, fast-paced, stressful, chaotic lives — the Fast Life — leads to eating Fast Food, and eating it quickly. This is a lifestyle that is dehumanizing us, making us unhealthy, stressed out, and unhappy. We rush through our day, doing one mindless task after another, without taking the time to live life, to enjoy life, to relate to each other, to be human. That’s not a good thing in my book. Instead, rebel against that entire lifestyle and philosophy … with the small act of eating slower. Don’t eat Fast Food. Eat at a good restaurant, or better yet, cook your own food and enjoy it fully. Taste life itself."

This really rings true with me.  I see many of my clients, and myself included, rushing in just about everything. This is a great reminder on how to approach life.

Rotating Carbohydrates to Lose Fat

Have you ever wondered if low-carb diets are actually unhealthy and potentially dangerous?


Is it at all possible to maintain a low-carb diet for a lifetime? Or is it just a quick-fix?


Well, my friend and  Registered Dietitian Jayson Hunter has answered those questions – and a lot more. He grew tired of seeing so many new clients come to him with their metabolism slowed to a crawl by their yo-yo dieting approach. He understands people are searching for fast weight loss, but was desperately seeking a way to educate them on the devastating effects of starvation and fad diets.


The problem with fad diets is they get you immediate results. How is that a problem? Two reasons:


1) Because the methods they use are rarely based on any kind of science.


2) They fail to teach you a method of rapid weight loss that you can actually make a permanent part of your lifestyle and KEEP the weight off – forever!


And isn’t that what you’re really looking for, permanent weight loss? My guess is, if you’re anything like me that is EXACTLY what you’ve been desperately searching for. A proven – and healthy – method to help you lose weight fast that will not leave you looking for the next quick fix two months later when all the weight you lost has “magically” found its way back onto your body.


You see, Jayson Hunter is a real Registered Dietitian. Unlike so many of the “pretenders” selling snake oil on the internet, he’s actually a trained professional with years of education backing up his claims. The man has over ten years of experience helping people just like you and me to lose weight and keep it off. I’ve really been impressed with his program because I’ve never seen anything like it before. It is a scientifically proven way of eating that can help you shed up to 15 pounds in just 30 days. Again, the difference is this isn’t some sort of fad diet you have no prayer of sticking with to keep the weight off.


Not even close.


No, the bulk of his system is actually focused on taking those drastic results you see early in the program and making them PERMANENT. And isn’t that what you really want?


Look: There is no magic pill, potion or special food that will deliver the results you are searching for. Jayson explains, in language anyone can understand, the secret to fast weight loss is found in common nutrients you eat all the time. When you eat them at the correct times and quantities, well, the fat literally melts right off!


The part I like best is the fact I’m not constantly craving carbs and I’m never starving. Jayson’s 10+ years as a Registered Dietitian really show in this book as he explains everything in a step-by-step manner that is easy to understand and follow. He uses simple every day foods and explains how the nutrients in these foods are what holds the key to you losing weight.
Most importantly after you get your immediate results Jayson explains how you can eat to maintain those results for the rest of your life. It is amazing to see something that most people think is very complicated laid out in simple terminology and explanation.


If you’ve been struggling with your weight, then I highly suggest you check out his Carb Rotation Diet. It really does answer the question:


How do I lose weight fast, and KEEP it off – forever?


Get This Book

neilmct.jpgNeil Mc Teggart, the online editor for the UK's Mens Health Magazine, has an awesome book that I highly recommend.

So much of what you read on the internet about fitness and diet goes on and on about theory, stories,and other fluff.

Neil writes just what you need to know.  His book is only 37 pages, but in my opinion, it's one of  best out there.

Straight forward, simple, and it will produce results for you.

Buy his book here



Over 430 Diet Books Published Last Year...And We're Still Fat

Over 430 diet books published last year...

That's right!  I just finished reading that In the Los Angeles Time Health Section today.

So many diet books, and yet, we seem to be getting fatter?

Other than plastic surgery...there are no quick fixes.  End of story!

I happen to live near the foothills of the San Gabriel Mountains and quite often I see people either running or jogging up my street. I usually see them 2 - 4 times a week.  I see them on a consistent basis, rain, cold weather, heat...they are out there day after day.

And you know what...they are all slim.  Coincidence?  I don't think so.

Ask yourself, what did you do this weekend towards improving your health?

Did you eat high fat, low quality fast food?  Did you sit watching sporting events on TV?

Or did you go for a walk with your dog, family, etc., setting a good example for your kids?

Did you eat a wide variety of vegetables and fruits?

Or was it beer and simple carbohydrates?

The good news is that you can be good to your body starting today.

Skip the TV tonight and get active.

The message I wish to convey is please live each day as if it is your entire life. If you start something today, finish it today. Tomorrow is another world. Live life positively.



Imagine If You Only Had To Work Four Hours a Week

You'd have more time to exercise...hurrah!  Many years ago I went to Brazil, and on one occasion I had a 2 month vacation, and then about 6 months later, I had a 3 month vacation.  If you have never done this before, you are missing out, and you'll never look at life and your job the same.

I came across a book, The 4-hour Work Week by Tim Ferriss, which has totally reinvigorated me.  I completely agree with Tim in that it is better to define your dreams and work backwards.  So many people slog along along until some magic time in retirement when they may or may not be able to do what they had always dreamed of doing.


Ferriss speaks about being "effective" rather than just "efficient".  I see this as being so important not only in your business life, but also with your training.

I know that some of you will doubt that something like working four hours a week is possible.  If you continue to be consumed by emails, Blackberry's, and TV watching amongst other consumers of your time...then I guarantee that you life will not change.  But there are other options.

One suggestion in The Four Hour Work Week is outsourcing.  Limit what you personally have to attend to, and outsource those things that others can do for you.

Basically you need to be the director of your life, or you will be pulled in all different directions.

I have implemented the author's suggestion with regards to email overload.  if you email me these days you'll get an automated response that says,

"Hi everyone,

As most of my day is spent in the field training clients, I am
checking email once daily, often in the evening.  If you need a
response before tomorrow, please call me.

Have an incredible day,

This book is beneficial in so many ways.  Not only will you accomplish more in your business life, but you'll free up time to pursue your dreams, and you'll also have more free time for exercise.
There are a lot of free resources over at Tim's site, and his blog
Let me know here in the comment section how you have applied the lessons from The Four Hour Workweek. 


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Help Me to Simplify Exercise and Optimal Health

EsCoverweb.jpg I recently read a snippet of a great looking book, "The Elegant Solution", by Matthew E. May.

  I love his comment "an elegant solution is one in which the optimal outcome is achieved with the minimal expenditure of effort and expense".

This is exactly what you are trying to accomplish when you exercsie.  You want the best body and optimal health, with the least amount of focused effort. 

Here's where I need your help.  I'd love to hear your input on a few questions.

1.  How can trainers, like me, simplify exercise and good health?

2.  Are there products or services that I could give you to help you get fit faster?

3.  Which elements of complexity would you like to see eliminated from exercise and diet?

Please email your responses to me at stephencooper888@gmail.com.  I don't have any free e-books, or goodies to give away for your responses, so you'll have to settle for a "virtual hug" and in knowing that I really appreciate you taking the time to respond.