He identified what he really wanted and ordered his life around that.

From "The Art of Non-Conformity"...

..."Murakami focused on what he would gain instead of what he would lose.  He identified what he really wanted and ordered his life around that."

..."it's all about embracing life to the fullest and ordering your life around a few key priorities.  To make that happen, you'll need to look carefully at all of your current obligations to determine which ones are actually necessary and which can be eliminated."

No Time is No Excuse

From Rework, by Jason Fried and David Heinemeier Hansson

"When you want something bad enough, you make the time-regardless of your other obligations.  The truth is most people just don't want it bad enough.  Then they protect their ego with the excuse of time.

Don't let yourself off the hook with excuses.  It's entirely your responsibility to make your dreams come true."

20 Minutes of Exercise Per Day is All It Takes to Be Lean and Healthy

I believe so strongly that you can be fit, healthy, and lean in only 20 minutes or less per day, that I've created a separate website dedicated to just that.  www.140Fit.com

The "140" comes from the short number of characters that can be posted on a Twitter message.  If you don't know what Twitter is or could care less about Twitter, no need to worry.

The main focus of my new site is to help as many people as possible realize that fitness and fat loss does not have to be complicated, and you don't need more than 20 minutes per day of exercise.

Anyone can do 20 minutes of exercise per day.

If you cannot devote 20 minutes to better health, you need to have a serous look at your priorities.

Please visit the new www.140Fit.com site.  You'll see that it's a "zen" look at fitness.  I'm going to zero in on what it really takes to lose fat and stay fit without all of the hype.

Take care of yourself, and do this.

If you are on Twitter and would like to receive special "140Fit" tweets, then you can follow me here.

140Fit.com on Twitter


Look at Things as They Can Be

From my buddy Rick Ivonne of Inspired Diabetic.com...

Your range of available choices right now has no limits.
The only limits you have are in your mind.
You've got it in you to succeed.
Just make up your mind and stick with it.

You weren't born with any limits on your powers or any set limits to your capacity.
At any moment, you have more possibilities than you can act upon.

Imagine your possibilities and your vision expands.
Capture your dreams in your mind and your life becomes full.
Reach out and touch the limits of your being in your mind.

You can, because you think you can.

Life is What You Make of It

"No one can cheat you out of ultimate success but you.

You must choose the thoughts and actions that will lead you on to success.

You must set your own standards.

Nothing meaningful happens by itself.

It will all come your way, once you understand that you have to make it come your way, by your own efforts.

Only you can hold yourself back, or stand in your own way.

Only you can help yourself.

Not in time, place or circumstances, but in you lies success."

From my mentor and friend, Todd Durkin