20 Minutes of Exercise Per Day is All It Takes to Be Lean and Healthy

I believe so strongly that you can be fit, healthy, and lean in only 20 minutes or less per day, that I've created a separate website dedicated to just that.  www.140Fit.com

The "140" comes from the short number of characters that can be posted on a Twitter message.  If you don't know what Twitter is or could care less about Twitter, no need to worry.

The main focus of my new site is to help as many people as possible realize that fitness and fat loss does not have to be complicated, and you don't need more than 20 minutes per day of exercise.

Anyone can do 20 minutes of exercise per day.

If you cannot devote 20 minutes to better health, you need to have a serous look at your priorities.

Please visit the new www.140Fit.com site.  You'll see that it's a "zen" look at fitness.  I'm going to zero in on what it really takes to lose fat and stay fit without all of the hype.

Take care of yourself, and do this.

If you are on Twitter and would like to receive special "140Fit" tweets, then you can follow me here.

140Fit.com on Twitter


Are You on Twitter Yet?

Just a quick post to let you know that I've been

using Twitter quite a bit lately - and if you're

using it, you should follow me.


I'm going to be using it to collaborate with others,

start discussions, and get input from readers like you... and I'd REALLY

like it if you were connected to me.


(Twitter is free, and it's simple to use... very

low hassle factor, and very cool that it's free.)


Here's a good "quickstart" primer from Tony Hsieh, the CEO of Zappos...

on how to get started in just a few minutes:




My Twitter name is "stephencooper".


Just click "find people" at the top after you

register, and search "stephencooper"... then click

"follow"... and you'll get my "Tweets" when I

send them out.


Send me a note to say hello inside of Twitter

once you're on.


And finally, learn how to USE Twitter. It's

getting big, and it's going to be an important

way to stay in touch with customers

in the future.


A Special Welcome to Readers of the Pasadena Star News

I just got back from training a client this morning, and was happy to see that my article appeared in the Pasadena Star News.  Yes, even on Christmas eve I saw a client at 7am…but she’s a great client who I’ve been training for over 10 years.

So to those of you visiting me from the Star News article this morning, I want to personally welcome you to my site.

Having lived here in Pasadena since 1972, the Star News has been a consistent part of my morning routine. 

As we all know there are a lot of scams and outrageous promises with “my” industry.  These hucksters are all about promoting outrageous claims of miracle pills, or the “lose 30 pounds in 30 days diet”.

The good news is that you really can be lean and healthy.  If you are ready to stop being fooled by the next diet of the month, or similar hype, then you’ve come to the right place.  If you were hoping for miracle pills or other celebrity endorsed, cutely named fitness programs, then this site or my in-home personal training is not right for you.

You can check out my "about me" page for more details such as certifications and the like.

By all means if you have any questions, I’d love to hear from you.  I hope that you’ll consider me as a truthful resource when it comes to your fitness related questions.  You can contact me here.

If you’d like to see more articles, or would like a “Ask The Trainer” type column in the Star News, please let them know. (Contact Catherine Gaugh, the Features Editor at (626) 962-8811 ext 2479, or via email at: catherine.gaugh@sgvn.com .  I do see a need for it, as there is so much confusion and misinformation about exercise and training.

I also offer an occasional email newsletter where you can receive the latest info on what it really takes to be lean and healthy.  You can sign up right here. 

Click here.


I realize that you are very busy just like me, so I keep the emails to a minimum, and you can always cancel if you don’t receive value from them.

And lastly…A Very Merry Christmas to You!



P.S. Follow me on Twitter to ask questions and get the most up to date tips and strategies on fat loss and exercise.

Paasdena Star News Dec. 24, 2008


Real Health

Through my years as a trainer and also someone who has been working out for a long time, my ideas of "health" have changed.  From the time that I was 16-22 years old, my idea of health was to get as buff as possible, doing everything and anything just short of taking steroids. I took countless supplements, powders, pills, everything you could imagine to get big. 

As I'm in my forties now, my idea of health is being able to call on my body to perform just like I could when I was in my twenties.  I'm happy to report that my body does respond.  I feel as strong, possibly even stronger today that I did 20 years ago.

I just sent out a message on Twitter (in case you aren't getting those updates, you can follow me here) in which I commented on my healthy afternoon snack.

Today, health for me is enjoying a snack of great tasting dark chocolate from TCHO and an Asian pear.

Healthy Halloween Strategies

Headlines likes the one above get on my nerves.  You see this type of headline all the time during the holidays.

So you want to know my SECRET Healthy Halloween Strategy?  It's have a blast and eat some candy.

That's right.  I said it.  Get real.  Eating candy is what this event is all about.

I encourage you to have a blast.  Eat those "forbidden" things.

One day won't kill you.  The real problem is what you do the other 6 days this week...and the other 3 weeks during the month, and the rest of the year.

Don't fool yourself into thinking that you need to do special things on this day.

If you aren't already eating clean and healthy foods, you need to change your LIFE...not one day.

Happy Halloween.