My goal as your trainer is pretty narrowly focused. I'm talking to you if you are paying me to help you lose weight, gain muscle, and improve your health.
I believe in being honest and not beating around the bush when making suggestions. Life is short, so why not get right to the point.
Assuming that your goal is to lose weight and improve your health, you must devote time to training, nutrition (including preparing healthy meals), sleep and recovery, and doing deep mental work on yourself. (Be it self-improvement, therapy, whatever it takes to help you become stronger from the inside.)
If you shared your calendar for the month with me, what would it reveal?
Here is what my day looked like yesterday.
5:10 AM morning greens drink and maté, Brazil nuts, Blood orange
5:45 AM to 6:30 AM morning Boot Camp
7 AM protein shake and a handful of almonds
8:30 AM small cup frozen organic blueberries
9 AM and 9:45 AM personal training
10 AM tangerine from a clients house
10:45 to 11:30 AM rowing while watching Netflix
11:45 AM lunch pasta from yesterday carrots peanut butter, cliff bar
11:45 AM to 12:05 PM Netflix
12:15 PM - 1:45 PM nap
2 PM organic banana and protein shake
2:30 PM and AC and beta-alanine pre-workout
230 to 3:30 PM drove to Rose Bowl to look for a training location for personal client
330 to 3:50 PM workout second workout
Small protein shake and goyabada, peanut butter
I shared this pic as I only had about 20 min, so I grabbed some weights from my truck and got it done.
7 PM mahi-mahi sweet potato and keto peanut butter cup
9:45 sleep