Christmas Break December 24 - Jan 2

Just as intense as I can be when training, I passionately pursue my time off.

I'll be offline (zero social media) from December 24 - January 2 but will see emails from time to time and respond when I can.

If you are going to train with us in January 2022, our first class begins Monday, January 3. There are 13 classes in the MWF Camps this month, so the price will be $175. That's $13.46 per class.

The Tuesday/ThurdayCamps will begin on January 4 with 8 classes for $135.

I am deeply grateful to those who trained with me this year. Not only spending your hard-earned money but committing the time which I respect.

If you feel content with your efforts and progress towards your goals this year, then celebrate, refine and set new goals for 2022.

If you feel like you could have done better, know that each day is a new start. Take some time over the holidays and figure out if exercise and your health are priorities. If they are, then treat them as such, and get after it.

My sincerest thanks,


P.S. To those clients who have received special deals for pre-paying for multiple months, please get in touch with me to secure those prices. Thanks.

October 30, 2021 Newsletter

Quite a busy month.

I started the month by spending about a week in Colombia, attending the MovNat Level 1 Trainer Certification.

I've been interested in MovNat since it came out many years ago, but I've felt a more profound need to retrain my connection with nature and natural exercise movement for the past six months or so. I'm so grateful that I went.

I was ready for my adventure, a six-hour flight to Panama and a ninety-minute flight to Medellin. At the airport, I was welcomed warmly by my instructor Johnathon Lang, Johnathon is a one-of-a-kind type of guy. Iraq War Veteran, world explorer, an excellent coach, and best of all, he has a deep sincerity in helping others. I am deeply grateful for his instruction and his time listening and sharing.

The Level 1 experience was a "retraining" of sorts. Imagine slowing way down and paying attention to your breath and your movements. We learned to breathe deeply and move with thought and intention.

It was a great reminder to master the basics before skipping to more advanced exercises.

There's a lot to share, which I will implement when I see you in person.

I'm deeply grateful to the other participants who took the certification with me. The three Colombians warmly welcomed me into their homes. Each one shared their hearts and encouragement with me over my days there.

San Rafael, Colombia

Darien, who grew up and lives in the San Rafael area of Colombia, is a nature guide, and his family owns a "glamping" nature reserve, Taibara Refugio Natural He shared his wisdom and appreciation for the rainforest. Deep dude.

Johanna, inspired us with her graceful, cat-like movements, all while taking care of her one-year-old baby.

Nati, friendly, genuine, and strong, was a great person to share and learn with. She provided the Spanish to English translation too. Thanks, my friend.

Special thanks to Lorena and Mano, who run the Zafra Reserva Natural, Beautiful hosts who prepared our spa-like meals with love.

To sum up, I think the biggest lesson that came from my trip was a "scrubbing away" of the nonsense in my life. I came back with a renewed focus on what is really important in life.

November Schedule

Some of you know that my daughter's baby is due next month. So this means that I may shoot up to Washington at a moment's notice. I'll let you know.

Other than that, we'll take off Thanksgiving and the day after (25th and 26th)

The Monday, Wednesday, Friday Camps will have 12 classes, and the cost is $165.

The Tuesday/Thursday Camps will have eight classes, and the cost is $135.

Class times are 5:45 AM - 6:30 AM or 6:00 PM - 6:45 PM.

If you haven't already, current boot camp clients, let me know if you'll be continuing in this November Camp.

Contact me if you have any questions,


Science Based Fat Loss Protocols

I’ve really been enjoying the podcasts put out by Dr. Andrew. Huberman of Stanford.

Here are some of my “rough” notes on fat loss from one of his recent shows.

How to Lose Fat with Science-Based Tools | Huberman Lab Podcast #21

Your foundation must be right.

  • Quality and sufficient sleep

  • Essential fatty acids - vital, EPA above 1,000 mg per day, quality fatty fish or grass-fed meat

  • Glutamine - 1 teaspoon to 1 T can reduce sugar cravings (cottage cheese is a good source)

  • Selenium - 2-3 Brazil nuts per day

  • Fermented foods

  • Sufficient iodine

A study from psychologists at Stanford, showing that a belief that exercise and movement will help can improve fat loss. (Power of our nervous system.). The belief has a real effect and fat loss.

Fat loss protocols -

Fat must be mobilized and burned (oxidize)...not just mobilized as it can return to fat!

The nervous system encourages this process through the release of epinephrine/adrelenine.

Shivering increases fat metabolism

Fidgeting, quick movements, bouncing your knee, standing up and pacing can produce a 20% - 30% increase in fat loss.

Fidgeting is a great starting point! - Powerful way to increase calories burned.

Fidgeting (subtle movements) trigger epinephrine relates to the neurons and they stimulate the mobilization of fat, and then that fat is oxidized at higher rates. 800-2500 calories burned per day is considerable. (NEAT)


White, brown, beige fat tissues

Don't resist the shivering - the shivering increases body heat and burns fat.

Fat Loss Optimization Protocol

Cold shower 1-5 times per week (One is beneficial)

  • get in and shiver

  • get out - no towel wait 1-3 minutes don't dry off

  • and repeat. (3 total)

  • cold enough to be uncomfortable - this varies

  • activate cooling and rewarming

  • avoid getting "cold water adapted"

  • maybe do this 2 - 3 months, then stop - so you don't get cold-adapted (for fat loss)

Exercise and timing

Fat "paths" epinephrine neurons locally

Change up exercise, novel exercises

HIIT (80% sub-VO2 Max 60-240 sec.)

Sprint interval Training. (all-out 8-30 sec) Squats, deadlifts, KB swings

Moderate Intensity Continuous Training - (steady-state cardio 40-60 min 55-75 MHR)


Ideally fast, then exercise intensely (breathe hard) 20-60 min, and then move into "Zone 2" cardio - Best for fat loss increases BMR

Post fat oxidation after high-intensity burns fat for up to 24 hours

Adrenaline is the trigger of fat loss

Caffeine, if you like coffee, etc (30-60 min before exercise) up to 400mg 1.5 cups (if you are not caffeine sensitive) - this helps to release adrenaline/epinephrine

GLP 1 is increased by drinking yerba mate, increases the percentage of fat burn or "guayusa" another type of tea. (Look at for details). Yerba mate may reduce heart rate just slightly

Actyl L Carnitine - 500 mg - 2g

Improves fat oxidation, may reduce fatigue

Science Based Fat Loss Protocols and August Planning

July was a busy month. A couple of my clients were curious about what I eat, and what I actually do all day. (Click on those links to read more.)

I also attended the 2021 IDEA World Fitness Virtual Conference, and the Los Angeles Dodgers Strength & Conditioning Symposium Series (virtual as well). I attend these to get the latest science-based training information which I apply to my own training as well as sharing with my clients.

I’ll write more about these conferences, but I’ll share an important thought here.

The Dodgers use what they call a “spiderweb assessment”. As you can imagine, the Dodgers have a huge budget to assess and implement their training programs with their athletes. When the Dodgers sign a player to the organization they are run through many tests. Looking at the psychology, nutrition, injuries, strengths, and weaknesses. All of these assessments are combined on a “spreadsheet”. Then the various departments, such as physical therapists, performance specialists, nutritionists, etc. all work together to create “resilient and robust athletes. They work to create the best athlete, not the best gym rat.”

This relates to how I train my “athletes”. My goal in helping you is to build a stronger you…in and out of the gym. Yes, I want you to achieve your fat loss/strength goals, but I always keep in mind that I want it to apply to real life. I want you to be stronger and more durable to life’s challenges and stresses.

The Dodgers invest heavily in their players, in hopes to get the most healthy and productive output from their investments. We may not have the same fortune to invest in ourselves, but I encourage you to invest what you can. Eat the highest quality foods, devote time to effective training programs, and get the proper sleep and recovery. Be honest. How much time and money do you invest in yourself? Write down and analyze where your time and money are going. Are you spending money on junk food and sugary Starbucks drinks? And time? Are you spending hours on the couch looking at Netflix or Facebook? Our time is finite. Spend it wisely.

Screenshot of part of their player assessment.

Screenshot of part of their player assessment.

For my notes on science-based fat loss protocols from Dr. Andrew Huberman of Stanford, click here. I find his podcasts super interesting.

As always. If you believe I can help, I encourage you to train with us. Be it Boot Camp, personal training, or online virtually via FaceTime or Zoom. And if you aren’t training with me, get after it on your own.

Here are the details for August.


MWF Camps - 13 classes for $165

Tu/Thur Camps - 9 classes for $135

$20 (one-time drop-in) 

Morning Classes: 

5:45 am - 6:30 am 

Evening Classes: 

6:00 pm - 6:45 pm

Class: Each class is 45 minutes in length. 



Contact me if you have questions. And current boot campers please let me know if you’ll be continuing in August.

Coop, Do You Even Have A Job?

I had to smile the other evening when one of my clients asked me with a puzzled look, “Coop, do you even have a job?”

She mentioned this because we share activity information via the Apple Watch. She was working away at her 10-hour shift and kept seeing my activity alerts.

“Stephen just finished a strength workout. Stephen just finished a stretching workout. Stephen just finished a hike. Stephen just finished a yoga workout.” I did happen to be “competing” with someone on the Apple Watch, so this day was more than my typical day of exercise.

I’m a pretty private person. Maybe not such a great idea in this day and age of social media, but it’s the real me, and my true nature.

I’m going to share a what my a day in my “job” is like :)

For the weekend of July 9 - July 11, I attended the IDEA World Virtual Fitness Conference. I typically attend this conference in person, but because of COVID-19, it was virtual again this year. I receive some of my CEC units and the latest in health, fitness, and nutrition.

2021 IDEA World Fitness Convention (Virtual)

2021 IDEA World Fitness Convention (Virtual)

Next weekend I’ll be attending this event.


On the weekends I usually walk, hike and stretch, but rarely lift.

Monday -

I wake up at 4:45 AM. Shower and have my Yerba mate and greens drink.

Greens drink with pink salt and lime.

Greens drink with pink salt and lime.

Yerba mate - morning routine.

Yerba mate - morning routine.

I drink my mate on the way to the AM boot camp.

Run boot camp from 5:45 AM - 6:30 AM

I usually drink a creatine and whey protein shake before training a client, and my own training.

I usually drink a creatine and whey protein shake before training a client, and my own training.

7:15 AM - 8:00 AM I train a private client at my home.

8:00 AM - 8:45 AM I lift weights. Probably 80% of the time I follow a simple lift schedule of the basics, squats, deadlifts, chin ups.

8:45 AM - 9:00 AM Stretching

9:00 AM Breakfast

9:30 AM - 10:15 AM Train private group

10:30 AM - Noon Paperwork, emails, etc..

Noon - Lunch

12:30 PM - 1:30 or 2:00 PM, Nap :)

2:00 PM - 3:00 PM Shower, and maybe some reading or podcasts. Podcast I’m enjoying now, Huberman Lab

Book I just finished-

3:00 PM - 3:30 or 4:00 PM Train a private client at my house.

4:00 PM - 5:00 PM Snack, emails, etc.

5:00 PM - 5:30 PM Train online client via Skype or FaceTime.

6:00 PM - 6:45 PM Evening boot camp

7:00 PM Dinner

BBQ shrimp, wild boar, veggies

8:45 PM Sleep

Two Days of what I eat

One of my clients was curious to see what I eat…so here ya go. Two days of my typical eating.

Bent But Not Broken

I saw this bent sunflower stem which had this beautiful flower, and some “garden zen” hit me.

Think of your own life experiences. Some things or some people may have tried to break you…but you can still push through and show your value and your beauty that you have to offer.

Bounce back, and bring your best self.