Will AI Help You Lose Weight?

There is a lot of talk lately, with many people touting how helpful A.I. will be. In contrast, I believe that physical training with others is very helpful. Actual support, interaction, and going through some difficulty together are healthy.

Coming to the boot camps is a great way to stay accountable and help fellow boot campers stick to their programs.

As a trainer, I have fun seeing you all chat, laugh and support each other.

We need human encouragement and human support.

An A.I. bot does not understand your challenges, nor does it have any empathy for you. It may tell you that you must consistently eat and train, but it cannot be the example. You need to know that it is possible as an average human to eat right and get in training day after day, week after week, and so on.

I've been posting more videos of my daily activities. I'm surprised and grateful that many people find some inspiration in them. It's hard for me to post as it's just what I do. But maybe my habits will inspire you to be more consistent.

We've got a shorter training camp this month

May Camps 2023 (Short Session)

No Classes May 22 - 29

Monday - Wednesday - Friday Camps - $150 for 10 Classes

Tuesday and Thursday Camps - $105 for 7 Classes

$20 Per class drop-in 

Morning Classes: 5:45 am - 6:30 am 

Evening Classes: 6:00 pm - 6:45 pm

Class: Each class is 45 minutes in length. 

Please email me with any questions.



March Announcements

Busy, faster, more information.

I've noticed that more and more of my clients are stressed and overwhelmed. In the little time I spend in my car commuting, I'm always struck by how so many are scrolling, texting, and looking as if hypnotized at their phones.  

Be it people walking or driving, there is often a look of angst and longing for some reward as if more staring into the phone will somehow bring about better results.

So how does this connect to fitness or wellness, whatever you want to call it?

Spending more hours scrolling on social media posts will not yield faster results.

Be in control and more disciplined with what you ingest. Be it media or food. Get away from the noise and put in the hard work.

You know the basics that work.

  1. Pay attention to getting the necessary sleep and recovery.

  2. Eat well. Experiment, see what works best for your body, and refine and repeat.

  3. Train smart. Train sufficiently to stimulate results.

Good Stuff

Kudos to my long-time client, Hazel, who is the only Monday, Wednesday, and Friday client to have 100% attendance since the beginning of the year. It hasn't been easy on some cold and rainy mornings, but she hasn't missed one.

And my second shout-out goes to Larry, who has lost almost 13 pounds in less than 2 months.

Lastly, check out Diana's before and after pictures. She lost 20 pounds at her own healthy pace.  

Social Media Updates

I'm closing down my old Boot Camp Facebook Page and replacing it with a new Stephen Cooper Training Page. Boot Camp is a small part of my day, and I want to reflect on the other parts of my training, such as senior and online training.

Also, Melina will handle my social media posts, so I may not see your responses or questions. Email me directly if you need help or have questions.


The past 2 weekends, I've been taking canyoneering classes with my son. These are our first classes. It was overwhelming, plus a little terrifying. It's the first time I've repelled down anything.

Canyoneering Class, Stoney Point Park in Chatsworth

March Camps 

It's a big month.

14 classes for $165 or

9 classes for $135

If you want to buy them class by class, it is $20 each.

Please email me with any questions.



Last Week of 2022

End of 2022

I've decided to take the last week of 2022 off.

When it comes to the end of the year, I like to reflect and review. I want to study what went well and what didn't so that I can bring improvements to the new year.

I'll be spending time with my family and will spend minimal time online. Please be patient with text messages and emails.

Thank you so much for training with me this year.

I look forward to helping you in 2023.



Jan 2023 Week # 1 Focus (Track Your Actions and Your Progress)

Track Your Actions and Your Progress

For this first week of January 2023, I want you to set up a method to track your actions and progress.

Keep it simple and easy to note and review.

When it comes to exercise, eating, and sleeping, I've been tracking these ever since I began training at around age 13.

This was an entry from 17 years ago.

My methods have changed a lot over the years. I've used paper notebooks and blogs and now use Apple Notes.

Think of it as a personal improvement diary. You can add pictures and videos to your notes. Don't overthink this. Just do what helps you to record, review, and take the necessary actions to improve.


Set up a method to track your actions and progress. Take a picture and send it to me.

I often take a quick picture to note how much weight I used.