We may not train on Monday, but I’m sharing some videos from my Instagram to give you a boost and some inspiration.

Be consistent.

Just putting in the work.
Snacks while on the road.

Monday- Legs
Squat 3x 8
Deadlift 3x8
Sissy squats 3x8
KB deadlift with shoulder shrug 3x8

Sunday arms, calves, neck
Did 60 to 120-sec rest for each set
Wall tib raise 3x20
Bent over lateral raise 3x15
Fat Gripz barbell curl 3x15
Dips 13, 13,15
Thick rope, triceps extension 15, 13, 15
Band neck work 3×12
Overhand, barbell wrist curls, 3x12

Will AI help you lose weight?
There is a lot of talk lately, with many people touting how helpful A.I. will be. In contrast, I believe that physical training with others is very helpful. Actual support, interaction, and going through some difficulty together are healthy.
Coming to the boot camps is a great way to stay accountable and help fellow boot campers stick to their programs.
As a trainer, I have fun seeing you all chat, laugh and support each other.
We need human encouragement and human support.
An A.I. bot does not understand your challenges, nor does it have any empathy for you. It may tell you that you must consistently eat and train, but it cannot be the example. You need to know that it is possible as an average human to eat right and get in training day after day, week after week, and so on.
I’ve been posting more videos of my daily activities. I’m surprised and grateful that many people find some inspiration in them. It’s hard for me to post as it’s just what I do. But maybe my habits will inspire you to be more consistent.
We’ve got a shorter training camp this month
May Camps 2023 (Short Session)
No Classes May 22 - 29
Monday - Wednesday - Friday Camps - $150 for 10 Classes
Tuesday and Thursday Camps - $105 for 7 Classes
$20 Per class drop-in
Morning Classes: 5:45 am - 6:30 am
Evening Classes: 6:00 pm - 6:45 pm
Class: Each class is 45 minutes in length.
Please email me with any questions.

#consistency #uncomfortable