No Classes on Labor Day

We may not train on Monday, but I’m sharing some videos from my Instagram to give you a boost and some inspiration.

Finally, Boot Camp and Training to Restart on Monday August 15

Boot Camp will finally restart on Monday Monday, August 15. I really look forward to seeing you all.

We will discuss your credit for those who have already paid for July or August.

Monday - Wednesday - Friday Camps - 8 classes for $120

Tuesday and Thursday Camps - 5 classes for $85

$20 (one-time drop-in)

Morning Classes:

5:45 am - 6:30 am

Evening Classes:

6:00 pm - 6:45 pm

Class: Each class is 45 minutes in length.

Please email me at with questions.

Are you honest with yourself?

Assignment for this week:

What if you were to take a pic of every meal and everything you drank this week and share it online?

You would have a record and a "map" of where you are going and where you have been.

Are you willing to be honest with yourself and examine your habits?

Would you feel comfortable sharing this with me and others?

What might you discover?

Part of my breakfast from the garden.

Part of my breakfast from the garden.

What is your go-to breakfast?

What gets your week started in the right direction?

I typically have two paths...

I'll have more carbs, mostly fruit, for breakfast on a heavy weight training day.

From our garden.

On days that I don't lift heavy, I'll stick mostly to proteins and fats.

How about you? What works for you? Do your habits bring you the progress you are hoping for?

May Newsletter and Boot Camp Details

May Newsletter and Boot Camp Details

May should be an awesome month, and I encourage you to join us for training.

We'll have 13 classes for $165 for the MWF groups and 9 classes for $135 for the twice-a-week option.

Times are 5:45 am - 6:30 am, or 6:00 pm - 6:45 pm. Yes, you can mix and match days and times if there is space.

Please let me know if I should save your space for the May Camp for those currently in the April Camp.

If you haven't been reading my blog, here are some things I've been up to,

Completion of Lockhart and Leith Weight Cut Specialist Certification

Sometimes It’s Fun to Just Workout

Scuba Diving and Certification at Catalina Island.

As always, take action and make the most of each day,


Scuba Diving at Catalina Island

My son and I spent our last two weekends learning and receiving our Open Water Scuba Diving Certifications.

We've been talking about doing this for a couple of years, but now there was no excuse as we have a dive shop ( right in our hometown (Altadena, CA).

We spent the mornings in the classroom the first weekend and the afternoons in the pool.

We went to Catalina Island this last weekend and did two dives each day.

It definitely gets some getting used to breathing underwater, but it was totally worth it.

Thanks so much to Kian, Alex, Gus, Tim of

I look forward to getting to explore this awesome part of our world.

Casino Point/Avalon Catalina Island, CA

Wrigley Memorial and Botanic Garden, Catalina Island, CA

My son and I

Open Water Scuba Certification Class, Casino Point, Catalina Island, CA

April Boot Camp Details

First off a question for you.

How do you create your surroundings to bring you closer to your goals?

In my case, there are several things that I do.

I do not go to a gym. I don't like the atmosphere of gyms with selfie-takers and sweaty machines. (This may not be the best way to "market" my boot camp, but I write my newsletters to help you achieve your health and fitness goals.) Little by little, I have invested in home equipment. By now, I have a rower, an Airdyne bike, and all of the equipment I use at Boot Camp, like TRX's and kettlebells. I save time and avoid excuses by not driving to and from a gym. All I have to do is walk into my backyard and start.

So with minimal equipment, you can create the resistance you need to change and improve your health.

Next, I eat food from my garden and others. We grow various things in our garden, so I grab arugula, green onions, grapefruit, etc. Often I eat these during my rest breaks from workouts. Then I accept or pick fruit when visiting clients' homes. (Note, I pick fruit (for free) rather than passing through the drive-through line at Starbucks or McDonald's.) Lesson: keep the junk food out of your house.

Lastly, do your friends and family encourage you to take care of yourself? Treating myself well is deeply embedded in my habits, and I share these habits with my family and those who train with me. How about those around you? Do they contribute to a stronger you, or do they crush your likelihood of progress? Get real, and take action.

April Camps

Monday - Wednesday - Friday Camps - 13 classes for $165

Tuesday and Thursday Camps - 8 classes for $125

$20 (one-time drop-in)

Morning Classes:

5:45 am - 6:30 am

Evening Classes:

6:00 pm - 6:45 pm

Class: Each class is 45 minutes in length.

Email me with questions.



Would you share your calendar with me?

My goal as your trainer is pretty narrowly focused. I'm talking to you if you are paying me to help you lose weight, gain muscle, and improve your health.

I believe in being honest and not beating around the bush when making suggestions. Life is short, so why not get right to the point.

Assuming that your goal is to lose weight and improve your health, you must devote time to training, nutrition (including preparing healthy meals), sleep and recovery, and doing deep mental work on yourself. (Be it self-improvement, therapy, whatever it takes to help you become stronger from the inside.)

If you shared your calendar for the month with me, what would it reveal?

Here is what my day looked like yesterday.

5:10 AM morning greens drink and maté, Brazil nuts, Blood orange

5:45 AM to 6:30 AM morning Boot Camp

7 AM protein shake and a handful of almonds

8:30 AM small cup frozen organic blueberries

9 AM and 9:45 AM personal training

10 AM tangerine from a clients house

10:45 to 11:30 AM rowing while watching Netflix

11:45 AM lunch pasta from yesterday carrots peanut butter, cliff bar

11:45 AM to 12:05 PM Netflix

12:15 PM - 1:45 PM nap

2 PM organic banana and protein shake

2:30 PM and AC and beta-alanine pre-workout

230 to 3:30 PM drove to Rose Bowl to look for a training location for personal client

330 to 3:50 PM workout second workout

Small protein shake and goyabada, peanut butter

I shared this pic as I only had about 20 min, so I grabbed some weights from my truck and got it done.

7 PM mahi-mahi sweet potato and keto peanut butter cup

9:45 sleep