Wednesday's 15 Minute, Stretch Session (Home or Office)
I’ve been working from home for over 11 years. My main tip is to set a timer for work, and for your breaks. My own schedule is I work 50 minutes, then I take a 10 minute break. I do this throughout the day, hour after hour.
7 AM to 7:50 AM is time I use to plan my day. At 7:50 AM I usually have a protein drink as my workout will be coming in the next hour or so.
8:00 AM - 8:50 AM is spent on top priorities. I am at my best in the morning, so this is my time to make progress on the most important tasks of the day.
9:00 AM is usually workout time. I usually workout till about 9:30 AM or 9:45 AM at the latest. I’ll have a little snack, and meditate for 10 minutes.
10 AM back to work.
11 AM work, then lunch at noon or so.
Noon - nap time. I know, I’m fortunate. I set an alarm for 1 hour and 15 minutes.
1 PM wake up, do Wim Hof breathing, then take a brisk shower.
2 PM back to work, and so on till 6PM Boot Camp or other client training.
On your breaks…
Get outside. Get some sun. Get into nature if you can. Drink water.
These are stretches that you can do in anytype of work clothes, and you won’t be laying down on the floor.
Stretches for your upper body:
Gentle head pull, side/side/down
Wrist pull
Shoulder pull
Bentover “Y”
(Stand in doorway) chest stretch
(Stand in doorway) arms overhead, walk forward
(Stand in doorway) grab door jam, lean hips back (lats)
Stretches for your lower body
Heel on chair, leg straight, bend over hamstring stretch
Hands on wall, legs staggered, calf stretch
Bentover hang, then (legs,fists) contraction, release, and hang deeper
Standing Quad stretch
Here is the stretch video:
Monday April 20 - Medicine Ball and Jump Rope - 20 min Workout
Friday April 17th Bodyweight "Quick" Workout (About 20 min)
Sunny Days in CA
It’s great to have the sun back. We had so many cloudy and rainy days here in CA.
No Stress
I’m going to share with you how I shoot and process the YouTube videos.
I usually review past workouts, and try not to repeat workouts very often. For today’s plan I reviewed past slider workouts, and combined and shortened the workout to keep it under 30 minutes.
I went up to my local park, and the actual recording went well.
I got home a little after 8 AM. Uploaded the video from my phone to my editing app on my Mac. Edited the video for 30 min or so. Mac then said “error, and cancelled”. Then I uploaded directly to Youtube. Lot’s of time passes as it uploads and processes. Next, I edited the video again on YouTube.
It’s now almost noon, and as you can see from the pic below, the video is still being processed.
I share this with you in hopes that you’ll be patient with these posts. The plan tomorrow is to record Wednesday and Fridays workouts back to back, and begin the editing and uploading process then.
I’ve decided that I’m not going to add stress to my life trying to fight against YouTube and the speed at which it works.
The video will be “live” whenever YouTube finishes processing it.
Friday's Workout April 10, 2020
Finally posted today’s workout.
What will you Change after this is all over?
I’ve been working from home for more than 11 years, and I truly love it. It’s provided me a very healthy life. I can eat what and when I want, exercise when I want, take naps when I want, and socialize with my family on my schedule.
I’ve joked with clients that I don’t have meetings, I don’t get memos, and I don’t have a boss. All good!
I also don’t have paid vacations, sick leave, or benefits. It’s all up to me, and that can be stressful and challenging.
I’m finding it challenging in trying to “reach” people online. Being modest and an introvert doesn’t always come across too well online. It often seems the louder and brasher one is, the more traction or exposure one gets online.
I often go back to an aikido teacher who I used to follow here in Los Angeles. He was Japanese American and had very “old school” habits. One was that he ran his dojo in the old-fashioned sense in that he was open to all, but he wasn’t “selling” memberships. As a potential student, you read about the discipline and were accepted into the dojo.
I’ve run my boot camps pretty much this way, and my income and livelihood have probably suffered because of this.
This stay-at-home order will make or break a lot of businesses. I am hopeful that when it breaks and you return to your regular ways, that you’ll look at exercise and health as a serious investment. It always pays off to be strong…both mentally and physically. As we can definitely see now.
I feel like I’ve been harping on this for a long time.
Create the habits now.
So I wonder, what new habits will you work on? What will you modify when we “get back to normal?”
Workout for April 6, 2020
Today’s workout is about 23 minutes and you’ll need a medicine ball. A dumbbell will work, but better with a med ball.
April 3, Today's Workout, and A Live Facebook Chat 7:30 AM Today
I'll be doing a Facebook Live chat at 7:30 AM on Friday April 3.
I'm calling it, "Coffee With Coop". I want to hear from you on how you've been doing, and if I can help in any way.
I'll be drinking some coffee, and I hope to see you tomorrow.
Email me too if you have any questions you'd like me to discuss during the broadcast.
See you tomorrow.
And today’s workout. (sorry for the poor audio, there was a lot of noise in the neighborhood)
April 1, 2020
10:05 AM…
Ready and raw, blooper at the start :)
Sorry about the fluctuation in the light too. I’ll work on improving.
Are You Busier Working From Home?
I’ve heard from some clients that they are busier now working from home than they were while working at an office. Clients have told me their days are filled with Zoom video conferences, calls, kids, and significant others.
Fitting in exercise can be challenging either way.
I’m going to keep the video workouts to 30 min or less.
Friday's Workout
8:33 AM…
Well, what a week. The first full week that I’ve been recording videos and not meeting with my in-person clients. It kinda reminds me of the quote from the boxer Mike Tyson.
“Everyone has a plan, till they get punched in the mouth.”
- Mike Tyson
In looking towards next week, I think that on Monday and Wednesday we’ll have more bodyweight routines, and on Friday we’ll start with some weights and/or medicine balls. I’ll also pay more attention and keep the workouts to 30 minutes or less.
I strongly believe that short but focused workouts are helpful during this time.
I’m looking towards April and creating some type of “Challenge”. I think that this next month may “make or break” a lot of people. My idea is to refine my thoughts, and share them in a concise way. Not only to remind myself, but hopefully it will help you too.
Talk to you soon.
Wednesday's Workout
For Wednesday…
More details when I have time.
A Brand New Week
I’m writing this in the evening as I finish uploading my first “at-home” workout. The actual taping of the video was fun, but the editing and uploading took a long time. I’m not used to doing that.
I want to post this quickly and write more later.
The main thing is you do not need equipment for this workout. I’m keeping this week of workouts free of equipment so no need to worry about buying stuff.
And secondly, contact me with any questions. You can comment below, or email me.
3:40 PM Updated -
I’ve created a Google Doc in case you’d like a text version of this. Click here to view it.
A Home Workout You Can Do
I’m going to write more a little later today, but wanted to share this now.
March 18, 2020 - Class # 8/13
Equipment needed: None
Warm Up: 60 sec
Tai Chi arm swing
Single leg deadlift stretch/touch
Squat, then reach both arms above head as high as possible, got to tiptoes
Split lunge, fingers laced above your head, as you drop one knee stretch up to the sky, lunge with next leg then tilt to one side
Work: 30/60/90 sec (see the time before each exercise) Repeat 2x, rest as nec between sets
60 - Push-up to plank
30 - Jump lunge
30 - Sprawls
90 - Alternating lunges
30 - Burpees
Rest as nec, repeat this set one more time
60 - Push-up
60 - Handstand hold
30 - Jump squats
60 - Squat hold
90 - Alternating lunges
90 - Regular crunch
90 - Bicycle crunch
90 - Hips up, shoot heels up to the sky
Rest as necessary
Tyson Squats:
Squat 1 time - squat deep and both back of hands must touch the ground
Take one step, then same deep squat as above but 3 squats
Repeat the step, then 5 squats
Keep repeating this one step while increasing the reps on each by 2 reps
So 7x, 9x, 11x, and so on till you reach 19x
100 total squats :)
Dragon (one big step forward)
Puppy dog
Contact me if you have any questions. Or comment below (old school style).
A Letter to My Clients Regarding COVID-19
When I first began personal training over 25 years ago, my personal reason for training was mostly for vanity. It’s fun when people give you compliments on your looks, it becomes who you are. The health benefits just came along as a bonus for me. That’s not to say or discount that I’ve always thought that fitness training and diet were important for the brain, mood, and physiological health.
But over the years and as I age, my own reasons for training have changed. My goal for many years has been to be as strong and as healthy as possible to live life to the fullest. To create a strong foundation from which I can travel, ride my motorcycle with my son, hike, and be there for my family. Basically, I want to be in a position to ask my body to do whatever I want, and it will respond without hesitation.
Boot Camp Will Continue With Regular Classes
We are fortunate to have a client who is an infectious disease specialist (MD), and I’ve spoken with him about any additional precautions I need to adhere to along with any advice from the WHO and CDC.
Class Precautions
If you come early to class, you may have already seen that I have a habit of wiping down the equipment with Clolorx wipes. This has been consistent before the new coronavirus. This, of course, will continue with special attention. If I run out of wipes, I will make a hospital-grade disinfectant with Clorox.
We will refrain from using the boxing gloves as not to encourage contact in this manner.
Keep 3 feet or more distance from one another. This is pretty common for us in class, but just to keep in mind.
If you or someone in your home is sick, use common sense and stay home. (Contact me for workouts to do at home. I can help.)
Cover your cough or sneeze with your elbow or tissue.
Use hand sanitizer (at least 60% alcohol) before and or/after class.
But, Do Exercise
I wouldn’t start a vigorous exercise program right now, which could cause even more stress…but I would continue to exercise. The coming together, sharing and talking does help. Mentally and physically.
Financial Strain
I’ve already heard from clients who have lost multi-million dollar contracts. In my own family, my son’s job hours have been cut by 30% and my daughter who works in Port Townsend, WA found out that her work is closing today and they aren’t sure when they will reopen.
Having said this, I hope that we can help each other. If you want to train, and you do not have the money coming in, we can work out a deal. Train now - pay later.
On the flip side, if you can pay for multiple months ahead, I will give you a fair discount.
Wrapping Up
I always try to look at the bright side of things. My hope is that this “pandemic” can bring us closer. What makes my boot camp classes is YOU, and your involvement. Sharing, laughing, ribbing…it’s a community that I truly treasure. I’m here, strong and healthy and ready to help.
Contact me
Springtime March Boot Camps Start Monday
The other morning at Boot Camp we were talking about Valentine's Day. I was mentioning that I'm kinda strange in that I truly appreciate each day and not just the hyped ones.
It's like exercising. There is no special day to start...such as "Monday", or the first of the month, or when...(fill in the blank).
It's not when the weather changes "it's too hot", or "it's too cold", or "it's too dark", and on and on.
You make the time, and you make the commitment. Don't wait for the perfect will not happen.
Eliminate the distractions.
Do activities that really contribute to your goals.
You've got 3 areas to focus on. Sleep, Training, and Diet. Ask yourself each day if your activities are leading you to better results in each of these areas. If not, eliminate them.
Join us in March if you'd like some help in these areas.
If you've got it locked down on your own, then awesome. Enjoy your month, and let me know how you are doing.
March 2020 Boot Camp Details:
MWF AM Camp 5:45 AM - 6:30 AM
MWF PM Camp 6:00 PM - 6:45 PM 13 classes for $175
Tu/Thur AM Camp 5:45 AM - 6:30 AM
Tu/Thur PM Camp 6:00 PM - 6:45 PM - 9 classes for $135
$18 (per drop in)
Morning Classes:
5:45 am - 6:30 am
Evening Classes:
6:00 pm - 6:45 pm
Class prices and policies changing in April.
Class: Each class is 45 minutes in length.
Current Boot Camp clients, if you haven't already, please let me know if you'll be continuing in the March Camp.
When Is It A Good Time To Start An Exercise Program?
Sadly throughout my career, I often hear various excuses (some legit/some not) why or when people will actually commit to an exercise habit.
Much of what I focus on these days is helping clients realize and develop the habits of training smart and eating healthy. The best time to start working on creating these habits is today…right now. It’s like compounding interest on money saved. It’s much better to start saving when you are young, rather than try to play catch up later. It’s the same with exercise and good eating.
Squash the excuses and get started right now.
Comment below on what you did to start today. You’ll see what I did to maintain my habit today.
Getting An Alarm Clock and Waking Up When It Goes Off
- For Morning Clients
I often hear the excuse that clients have problems with hearing, setting, or responding to alarms. Part of your training with me is getting used to or creating the discipline of setting a reliable alarm - and responding to that alarm when it goes off in the morning.
Get yourself a simple, battery-operated, travel-like alarm clock. Set it, along with your phone alarm. Develop the habit of getting up when it goes off.
Knowing that you’ll need to wake up early means that you’ll need to sleep at a reasonable time. This means eating early enough and getting off the computer and phone.
It all goes together. Sleep - proper eating - training.